During this, 50th anniversary of the
assassination of President Kennedy, many people have been giving spin and
perspective. Some of it has been predictable, some, outrageous.
It has been a special gift to turn my internet
feed onto my television screen and experience the news and programming of CBS
from 50 years ago, a time when I was far to young to really remember any of it.
As I type this blogpost, CBS has ended the feed
and will begin again at 9am ET on Sunday, November 24, 2013.
The perspective of journalists (pretty much all
men) on the rough draft of history they were wrestling with. A concert by
the Philadelphia Orchestra hastily recorded by CBS on videotape with Eugene
Ormandy conducting Bass-Baritone McHenry Boatwright, Soprano Phyllis
Curtin, and the Rutgers University Chorus performing the Brahms German Requiem. Those were different times, but not too different from now,
Here, as cited in footnote 26 of chapter five,
Mr. Reasoner’s closing remarks of tonight’s broadcast (Script dated November
23, 1963.).
On tonight’s rebroadcast of November 23, 1963, here
is what Harry Reasoner said:
At the end of this second day of concentrated
national grief and attention to one event, it may be time to stop for a moment
and think about our own attitude. Introspection is proper in sorrow as it is at
any time, because mourning—if it becomes a fixed and purposeless moan at
the cruelty of fate—can be habit-forming.
In Norwalk, Ohio, today a fire burned up a home for
the elderly, and about sixty-three old men and women died.
There is a way of thinking about our knowledge of
God which might make you say that in His sight that event was sixty-three times
as important as the death in Dallas. In the national attention those
sixty-three have scarcely had a place. They get six inches of type in the
Sunday edition of the New York Daily News, for instance, just above a
little item about a man who stole some money from a department store. You might
think that we are out of proportion, that the national dirge that fills
these days is inappropriate. Either we should do more, mourn all the time
for everybody, or maybe do less.
There were, for instance, some calls last night to
CBS in New York from citizens complaining about missing their normal Friday
night programs.
Our operators, I understand, were polite.
We are not out of proportion. We are not
dishonoring the sixty-three old folks or the thousands of others who died
yesterday and today and will die tonight and tomorrow. We are not God. We are a
nation of men who tempt with honor and reward all kinds of men to serve us.
When one is especially worthy, especially important to us, and becomes a sacrifice
as well as a leader, it is entirely appropriate that we do him great honor. We
are all dying and what we feel about John Kennedy is not so much sadness that
he met his appointment a little sooner, but a gratitude and love for a man who
would make that appointment for us.
There is only one reservation: It must not be a
habit. When President Kennedy announced the quarantine of Cuba, one reporter
suggested that what he wanted from his countrymen was intelligent support, not
intoxicated belligerence. It seems likely that what this man would want from
his martyrdom would be a considered dedication, not a pointless self-pity.